Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gwenneth Gut-Ripper's History part 1


Gwenneth was born in a house in the countryside of Skyrim, just East of Lake Ilinalta.
During birth, her mother, Freya Valkyrjar, had a vision, an omen of Gwenneths future: "I foresee you will shroud Skyrim in happiness, though the road may be long. Once your naming ceremony will be held, your name shall be Gwenneth". And so it happened.

Gwenneth's place of birth

Gwenneths mother Freya was exceptionally beautifull for a Nord woman, but no less brave then the bearded ones. Though she liked to collect jewellery and would wear the most stunning robes at times, one task she would take upon her was to collect the bodies of fallen brave Nords from battlefields and skirmish sites, and bring their bodies to the North for apropriate burial at sea, often resulting in her being away from home for many days on end, and earning her the title of Valkyrjar. She was excellent at horse riding and a skilled warrior, and often she would collect bodies before the battle was over.

Freya Valkyrjar
Gwenneths Father, a rugged Nord called Manheim Wood-Cutter, would spend most of his time, as his title suggests, cutting trees in the woods, but also was a skilled carpenter. However, sometimes he would also take hireling assignments, to be able to afford his wife's at times lavish lifestyle. At home he could be a calm, almost introvert man, but on the battlefield he would fell man and beast alike trees. He did however avoid risks as much as possible, ensuring his always safe return to his family, which ment everything for him. He was the best father a Nord child could wish for.

Manheim Wood-Cutter doing what he does best
Gwenneth was Freya and Manheims first child, but just in a few years Gwenneth would be accompanied by two brothers, Storn and Hulgarth, and a sister, Larthjar.
Not uncommon for Nords, Gwenneth's fighting skills were developed from a very young age one, her first toy being a wooden axe, and she would accompany either of her parents on hunting trips from the age of five onwards, successfully killing rabbits, and larger prey as the years went by.

When Gwenneth was 7 years old, her mother Freya died while giving birth to her fifth child, Quynthen.
An event Gwenneth was daily reminded of because her father handed her one of her mothers most priced possessions at the funeral ceremony, a supposedly priceless necklace called 'Brinsingamen'. According to her father, Freya paid a price to obtain it that is so great, it should never be mentioned. Gwenneth wore the necklace day and night wrapped in leather to protect it from damaging during her daily hunt and fighting practices.

Very uncommon, Gwenneth already earned a title at 11 years old. During a short hunting trip with her father, she managed to catch up with a boar, an achievement by itself for an 11 year old. She managed to kill the boar with one swoop of her axe into the boars belly. At least, she thought she killed it, but as she had put away her axe and approached the boar to claim her price, it suddenly vividly snapped at her. In a reflex she pulled the boars intestines from its gaping belly wound, wrapped them around the boars neck and proceeded to choke the boar to death with them. It was then she earned the title of 'Gut-Ripper'.

Years passed by, as Gwenneth continued to improve her hunting and fighting skills relentlessly, untill at the age of 15 the most unfortunate event of her life took place...


Anonymous said...

Hi, I have recently found your blog and I am looking forward to reading through it; this might seem like an odd question but would you be ablate tell me what font you are using for the site?

Shilka said...

The font is called Calligraffitti :)