Saturday, November 19, 2011

(16) - Novahkiin - Journal entry -

Morndas 31st of Last Seed 4E201

After leaving the Bannered Mare yesterday I went up to Dragons Reach to talk to Jarl Balgruuf. After entering ,  a dark elf with drawn sword tried to refuse me entrance, but fortunately the Jarl himself requested to hear me out. I explained him how Gerdur had sent me to ask for protection of the dragon, but at first the Jarl found it hard to believe me. However after explaining to him I had been witness of the dragon attack on Helgen (leaving out the little detail that I was about to be beheaded) he agreed on sending help.

Proventus Avenicci, Jarl Balgruuf and Ireleth

Impressed with me surviving the dragon's attack on Helgen the Jarl told me he had a task for me, and asked me to talk to Farengar Secret-Fire. Farengar asked me to go retrieve a stone tablet from Bleak Falls Barrow. He was as amazed when I pulled the stone right out of my knapsack as I was relieved to get rid of the heavy thing. What a coincidence, and good fortune that I hade saved the stone tablet!

At that very moment the dark Elf, called Ireleth ran in, shouting how a dragon has been sighted near the West watchtower outside the city. After discussing it with the Jarl, the Jarl asked for my help to defeat the dragon, and promised me if I'll do it, I'll be allowed to buy a house in the city. If this isn't a sign from the Gods! I'm convinced it's my destiny to live here.

The Western guard tower

My heart was throbbing in my throat as I left the city with Ireleth and an additional four city guards. As we came closer to the West guard tower, the sun was setting, and we could make out large columns of smoke coming from the tower. It looked like we were too late, bus as we investigated, the dragon returned, breathing large plumes of fire. We all took defensive positions, and started to barrage the dragon with arrows as it repeatedly soared above us, eventually forcing it into a rough landing. Meanwhile I managed to climb the tower, and kept hurling arrows at the beast from my high vantage point. And eventually, the dragon closed its eyes, never to open them again.

The slain dragon

Then the strangest thing happened. As I approached the lifeless dragon corpse, (I had planned on taking it's tongue), the body suddenly burst into flames, consuming the dragon's flesh. As this happened large rays of energy protruded, reaching out for me and entering my body. At the moment it happened I felt an energy like never before, as if I was absorbing the beast's very soul itself!

Absorbing the dragon soul

After the silence and darkness of the fallen evening returned, one of the guard enthusiastically started to elaborate on the event, claiming he understood what happened because of his knowledge of the ancient tales. He said I was a Dragonborn, and I could prove it by uttering a dragonshout! That's when I remembered the word I learned from what I now know was a wordwall with dragon language; 'FUS'. I turned away from the guards, inhaled deeply and let go of the shout; FFUUUUUSSSS!!!

A large blast of displaced air and energy smashed into the ground before me, propelling plants and rubble forward at great force. As I figure out what just happened, the dragon's soul having energized the dragon word I learned earlier, the men enthusiastically cheered that I was indeed a Dragonborn, and how I would be their savior. I was still confused and baffled when Ireleth approached me and said I have to return to Whiterun and tell the Jarl about what happened at the watchtower.

When I walked back towards Whiterun, still in a bewildered state, I could not help but constantly watch the skies above; what if this wasn't the only dragon? Just as I gazed at the cloudless sky I got startled by a loud rolling thunder, followed by a loud ghostly voice; "Novahkiin" The loud sound of the single word echoed between the mountains. In a state of complete confusion I quickened my pace towards the gates of Whiterun.

As I walked up to Whiterun, a courier hurried my way, handing me a letter. As I opened it I read the following:

Gwenneth Gut-Ripper

You caused a bit of stir in the Western
watchtower when you demonstrated
the power of your Thu'um. Not
everyone is anxious for the return of
the Dragonborn.

I for one desire to see you grow and
develop your talents. Skyrim needs a
true hero these days.

You should turn your attention to
Greywater Gorge. I understand it holds
a mysterious source of power that can
only be unlocked by a Dragonborn.


A Friend.

I tucked the letter in my armor and after entering the gates I stumbled upon two Redguards arguing with one of the city guards, who refused them entry. As the Redguards retreated, they addressed me, requesting me to find a female Redguard hiding in the city, and contact the Redguards in Rorikstead in case I find her. In no state to answer them I waved them off, and headed for the Dragons Reach.

It was well past midnight, but the Jarl and his following were still waiting for my return when I entered the grand hall. Barely able to speak properly I tried my best to report all happenings around the Western guard tower. The Jarl explained to me that the thunder I heard was actually the Greybeards summoning me to the place they reside, a mountain called the Throat of the World. Though I never have been there, I know this is the highest mountain in Skyrim.

Then the Jarl explained I have now not only earned the right to buy a house in the city, for my heroic actions he also granted me the title of Thane of Whiterun! Next to that he said he will also appoint someone to be my housecarl! To be honest I just stood there in silence too confused to properly respond. Just a day before I left Riverwood to deliver a simple plead for protection, and within a day I have killed, well, helped kill a dragon, discovered I'm a Dragonborn, got this mysterious letter, am allowed to buy a house, am declared Thane of Whiterun and have my own housecarl. It was almost too much to grasp all at once...


As I left Dragon's reach my housecarl came forward introducing herself: her name is Lydia, and though sturdy looking in her iron armor she had a pleasant soothing voice, managing to take some of my bewilderment away. Still somewhat numb I had her follow me to the Bannered mane, where I rented a room from Hulda the innkeeper. After sharing the bed with Lydia for the night we woke up late, already well past noon. I ordered Lydia to go have lunch, so I could have some time to write all of this down in an attempt to get the whirlpool of thoughts in my mind in order a bit.

Still somewhat numb ...

So I'm a Dragonborn and a Thane, a homeless one that is. According to the Jarl's steward Proventus Avenicci I don't have near of enough gold to buy the vacant house in the city, let alone furnish it. The Grey-beards will have to wait, my first and foremost objective is to earn myself enough gold to buy a residence here, as I am destined to. I'd better go eat now, and sell all my surplus belongings before the shops close. I suppose me and Lydia can stay at the inn until I get enough funds to have my own place. I have lots of work to do...

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